Monday, March 01, 2010

Creative Health Tip March 1 2010 Choose your reaction

Today's tip is about making choices.

Whatever is going on around you or in your life, Choose to find the good in it.

A lot of times, bad things happen to good people, and people often feel that you are at the mercy of the circumstances.

You may not be able to change the circumstances themselves, but you have absolute power over how you react.

If you react well, consider it as a learning experience, consider it as a way to gain knowledge, consider it as a way to take your power back, and not let all of these outside things just wash over you and cause you to tumble and fall and break. You will go a long way to creating excellent health for yourself.

If things happen and you let them make you crazy and stressed out, you are going to create illness for yourself. All that stress is just not going to sit well in your physical body, and eventually it will come to roost somewhere. You don't want that.

So, take back your power, make your choices good, and make the good choice to find the good thing in everything. There is always something good, even if it's just a learning experience or a way to help someone else out of a problem. If you can help someone else, you will often feel good about your own problems, and also find ways to help solve them, too.

Have a great week!


P. S. Therapeutic Tea Time is still free! If you would like to get together on the phone, online, or in person to chat about your health challenges and holistic alternatives, let's set a time to get together! Write to me at to make an appointment.

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